Exploring the Airbnb Market in Mauritania

The Airbnb market in Mauritania is still young but shows promising signs of growth. With agrowing number of international and domestic travelers seeking more authentic and immersiveexperiences, the demand for

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Rwanda’s Vision 2050 and the Need for Affordable Housing

A recent report by the Rwandan New Times,indicates that some housing projects that are in thepipeline could help have 15,000 affordable houses built within six years across the country.The Rwanda

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Lesotho’s Housing Demand: Close to 100,000 houses needed to bridge the housing gap by2025.

The right to individual property is protected under the law. All foreign and domestic privateentities can independently establish, acquire and dispose of interests in commercial enterprises. Under the 2010 Land

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Why invest in the Cape Verde Property Market

The Cape Verde Islands are located on the west coast of Africa.It is a top investment hotspot of the world while it currently undergoes huge development intourist infrastructures. Property prices

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Top Durable Flooring Options for Your Home

Selecting the ideal flooring for your home can be a challenging task with the numerous optionsavailable. Whether you're renovating or building a new house, the choice of flooring is crucial

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Africa’s Construction Sector sees strong growth in Q1 2023

The construction sector in Africa has been a significant contributor to economic growthand development in many countries on the continent. Factors that can affect the sectorinclude: Infrastructure projects: Infrastructure development,

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Djibouti’s Vision 2035: Boosting Local Construction with Local Inputs

Djibouti, a small East African nation, has set its sights on a long-term development agenda known asDjibouti Vision 2035. Central to this blueprint is the aim to enhance access to

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I am passionate about technology and real estate- – DGM Chief Technical Officer

Lena Rosenior, the Chief Technical Officer of De Graft Management Limited(DGM), expressed her passion for technology and real estate. During a zoom interview with PE Online TV in Accra, she

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Save the Date: Ghana Housing Show UK to Showcase Affordable Housing Solutions on Friday, June 24.

The Ghana Housing Show in the UK, organized by the Property Express group, will take placeon June 24 at Wembley Park. This event serves as a platform to showcase the

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A look at the Real Estate Market in Africa

The real estate market in Africa has been experiencing significant growth in recent years. With apopulation of over 1.3 billion people, Africa presents a vast and untapped potential for real

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