Green Development Initiatives in Sierra Leone: A Sustainable Future Unfolding

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Sierra Leone is embracing green development initiatives to address environmental concerns and promote sustainable practices.
Among the various projects underway, a notable focus has been on both green energy and eco-friendly infrastructure, contributing to a more sustainable and resilient future for the country.

Bumbuna Hydroelectric Project:

One flagship project that exemplifies Sierra Leone’s commitment to sustainable energy is the Bumbuna Hydroelectric Project. Developed by the government of Sierra Leone, with support from international partners such as the African Development Bank (AfDB) and the World Bank, this initiative aims to harness the hydroelectric potential of the Seli River.


The Bumbuna Hydroelectric Project has had a substantial impact on Sierra Leone’s energy landscape. By providing a reliable source of renewable energy, the project seeks to diminish the country’s dependence on fossil fuels, contributing to a more sustainable and environmentally friendly power supply. Additionally, the increased availability of electricity holds the potential to stimulate economic development, improve access to education and healthcare, and enhance overall living standards.

Rural Renewable Energy Project:

In addressing energy poverty in remote regions, Sierra Leone has undertaken the Rural Renewable Energy Project. Developed in collaboration with government agencies, non-governmental organizations (NGOs), and international partners like the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) and the Global Environment Facility (GEF), this project focuses on implementing off-grid and small-scale renewable energy systems.


The Rural Renewable Energy Project has positively impacted the livelihoods of rural communities by providing access to clean energy for lighting, cooking, and powering small appliances. Beyond enhancing quality of life, this initiative contributes to environmental sustainability by reducing reliance on traditional biomass fuels, resulting in lower deforestation rates and improved air quality.

Eco-Living Oasis at Kent

Eco-Living Oasis at Kent is a modern, eco-friendly, and sustainable resort-style vacation community that is surrounded by nature. It lies approximately 30 miles east of Freetown. The community consists of 6 single-family detached homes, six single-family semi-detached homes, three retail stores, one restaurant with a mountain view, one community swimming pool, one community playground, a community car park, and a community business center.

About The Developer

TpESTATE (SL) Limited is developing the Eco-Living Oasis at Kent: a sustainable real estate property development and an eco-friendly builder in Sierra Leone.

TpESTATE architect, design, 3D Model & render, build, and sell eco-friendly homes on land they own and develop in Sierra Leone. TpESTATE also offers eco-friendly design and building services to clients who own land in Sierra Leone.

Sierra Leone is also making strides in adopting green building practices, exemplified by projects like the Tacugama Chimpanzee Sanctuary Visitor Center in Freetown amongst others. Developed by Tacugama Chimpanzee Sanctuary in collaboration with local and international partners, this facility incorporates sustainable design elements.

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Sierra Leone’s commitment to green development projects reflects a holistic approach towards sustainability. From harnessing renewable energy to implementing eco-friendly infrastructure, these initiatives not only mitigate environmental impact but also contribute to improved living standards and community education. As these projects continue to evolve, Sierra Leone stands poised for a more sustainable and resilient future.

Source: Joycelyn Marigold – African Property Magazine

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