Exploring Top Real Estate Brokers in Ghana -GAPOA 2024

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To be a top real estate broker in Ghana requires more than just connections or knowing the lay of the land. It’s about understanding the people, the chaos of ever-fluctuating property values, the tension between what a client says they want and what they need. It’s about being the glue in a transaction that could easily fall apart.
The best brokers carry the weight of these deals on their shoulders, knowing full well that each decision can have repercussions, both personal and professional.
Take Prince Nketia, for instance. He’s not just a broker. His background in intellectual property law, combined with his experience in real estate, makes him a rare breed. He moves between law and property deals with ease, but there’s always the sense that his sharpness comes from necessity.
Being both lawyer and broker means constantly navigating through the tangled mess of contracts, loopholes, and client expectations. He doesn’t just sell; he defends, advises, and sometimes steers clients away from deals that could burn them. It’s not always clean, but that’s what makes him stand out—his ability to handle the dirty work, the difficult conversations no one else wants to have.
Then there’s Johnson Tetteh,
a man who seems to have been through every possible facet of the real estate world. Nine years in the game, but you can tell his journey hasn’t been smooth. You see it in his restless ambition as CEO of Jetportrust Investment Limited, in the relentless drive to expand globally, to push real estate tech into new markets.
He’s sold properties in the US, the UK, Dubai—places that, on the surface, seem worlds away from the streets of Accra or Kumasi. But Johnson carries something deeper: the tension of being both a success and a work in progress.

His clients trust him because he gets results, but behind those results is a man who knows the weight of building a brand, of holding things together with sheer willpower and a smile that hides the grind beneath it all.
And then there’s Comfy Real Estate Broker, an almost enigmatic figure in the industry. With only five years in real estate, Comfy embodies that youthful confidence that can be mistaken for inexperience. But that’s far from the truth. Every client interaction, every property deal, feels like a careful negotiation—not just with clients, but with themselves. You can sense that Comfy is always on the verge of something, always striving, but never quite arriving. It’s the constant chase for perfection in a field that rarely offers it. Clients love Comfy’s enthusiasm, their communication, their hands-on approach. But behind it, there’s this subtle tension, an internal dialogue, the question of whether any of this will ever be enough.

GAPOA 2024 publication for African Property Magazine compiled by Joycelyn Marigold & GAPOA Team . You can send us your views on this article by email: re@ghanapropertyawards.com

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