Ghana London Show in the UK host Gloria Osei Sarfo to Champion Green Agenda in London

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Ghanaian actress and African Sustainability Ambassador, Gloria Osei Safo, has embarked on an ambassadorial tour to promote sustainability and environmental consciousness across Africa.

As part of her tour, she recently appeared on the Ghana London Show in the UK, hosted by Adwoa Saah Boateng, a reality TV star and media personality.

Prior to her appearance on the show, Gloria visited the Ghana High Commission in the UK and was a guest on Rainbow Radio, where she shared her vision for a more sustainable Africa.

During her time on the Ghana London Show, Gloria spoke about her experiences and impressions of living in London, describing it as a “wake-up call” to travel, explore, and help reset the lives of Ghanaians. She emphasized the importance of sustainability and environmental consciousness, encouraging listeners to take action towards a more sustainable future.

“Together, let’s fight for a sustainable future,” Gloria urged. “Let’s use our passion to work towards it, and let’s make a difference for ourselves, our children, and the future of our continent.”

The African Sustainable Concert, along with its associated conference, exhibition, and awards, which Gloria is promoting, aims to have a profound impact on the continent.

The event scheduled for October in the UK will highlight Africa’s cultural heritage, facilitate knowledge exchange, showcase cutting-edge sustainable solutions, and recognize outstanding achievements in sustainability.

The concert will serve as a platform for industry leaders, policymakers, and the public to engage in meaningful dialogue and explore collaborative solutions to environmental challenges, promoting a more sustainable and prosperous Africa.

Gloria’s ambassadorial tour and the African Sustainable Concert are significant steps towards a more sustainable future for Africa. Her passion and dedication to the cause are inspiring a new generation of leaders and change-makers.

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